Change Starts Here

NSW Young Labor is the largest youth political organisation in Australia. We’re all about providing a space for like-minded young people to come together, make friends, and help Labor Governments get elected!

All members of NSW Labor aged 15-26 are automatically members of NSW Young Labor.

What we do

  • Campaigning

    Young Labor is on the front lines of the campaign team working to get Labor Governments elected at the Local, State, and Federal level.

    If you’re keen to help out, we’d love to have to along!

  • Events

    Young Labor is a great place to meet like-minded progressive young people, interested in advocating for a better, fairer future for Australia.

    See our upcoming social and policy events by clicking below!

  • Policy

    As well as holding numerous policy events and panels throughout the year, NSW Young Labor also publishes a quarterly magazine called The Activist!

    Check out the most recent edition below!