
“We have a great objective - the light on the hill - which we aim to reach by working the betterment of mankind not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand.”

— Ben Chifley, 16th Prime Minister of Australia

Change starts here

The beliefs of NSW Young Labor are underpinned by the concept of fairness. We’re a grouping of progressive young people that believe in fighting for a more just and more equal society.

As a party we believe in the values of equality, democracy, liberty and social co-operation. Our commitment to Labor values means working together to make sure that the benefits of rising prosperity are shared fairly, and underwrite a better and fairer future for all of us.

Prosperity starts with good jobs and services, and Labor has fought for more than a hundred years to ensure everyone can get a job, and that essential health and education services are accessible.

We believe in the power of Government to take care of the most vulnerable members of our society, and to lift the conditions of working and middle class Australians.