Young Labor's Housing Campaign

When I hear the reports in the media and stories from my friends about the reality of how difficult it is to find a place to live, it makes me worried for our generation. I find it hard to conceive of how I, and others in my position, will ever afford to purchase their own home.

There is no denying that Sydney is currently experiencing a devastating property shortage and the dream of owning a property is becoming increasingly unrealistic, especially for younger Sydneysiders like me. Across the state’s regions, the property market has also become increasingly inaccessible to many due to shortages in housing caused by a steep increase in largely vacant holiday homes and AirBnBs.

Addressing these issues is not a simple proposition, and it requires a raft of policies to fix not just the immediate effects, but the root causes of the crisis that grips NSW and Australia.

That is why NSW Young Labor has launched our Housing policy campaign to call for a comprehensive plan to fix the housing crisis. We are advocating for massive investment in public housing, a vacant property tax, a tenancy review scheme, ratios for social infrastructure in new developments and a ban on all forms of rent bidding in NSW.

Oscar Iredale

NSW Young Labor General Executive


Women in Politics: NSW Young Labor's Networking Evening


In conversation with NSW Labor Leader Jodi McKay