Women in Politics: NSW Young Labor's Networking Evening

NSW Young Labor's Women in Politics Panel and Networking Evening

Last month, the UNSW Labor Club hosted a Women’s Networking Panel featuring Labor women from across our movement, including State MPs and MLCs, state and federal staffers, and party office staff. Young Labor women, including many fresh faces, joined us for an enlightening and informative evening where we heard about the experiences of Labor women from across the political landscape.

Having attended a number of similar panels myself back when I was new to Young Labor, I thought I knew what to expect going into the Panel. I was wrong. What started as a standard panel of answering questions and providing insight became a collaborative and engaging discussion between Labor women, whether from Young Labor, State Parliament, Federal Parliament, or political staff.

Off the back of two exciting election wins on both the federal and state level, it is evident that the energy and enthusiasm continues even months later. One thing is abundantly clear: Labor governments are prioritising women. The talent Labor has brought in with the recent elections is only made possible by the party’s progressive and inclusive policies, and only works to inspire the futuregenerations of Young Labor women.

Thank you to the UNSW Labor Club, and particularly Chiara Moore, Zoe Johnston, and Bridie Zors, for organising this event and working hard to include the next generation of Young Labor women into the broader Labor movement.

Thank you also to our panelists on the evening, Penny Sharpe, Sophie Cotsis, Sarah Kaine, Jen Light, Sravya Abbineni, Ellyse Harding, and Alex Costello, for joining us on the evening and providing important inspiration and insight for young women in politics.

LJ Margeit

NSW Young Labor Secretary


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