Young Labor President’s Report - October 2023

Since the last meeting of the NSW Labor Administrative Committee, NSW Young Labor’s activities have predominantly focused on the Voice campaign.

Members of NSW Young Labor have been busy organising not just in their own local communities, but also across the state.

This included in Bathurst, where NSW Young Labor members attended the Light on the Hill dinner, and then showed up in force the next day to doorknock the streets of Bathurst advocating for a Yes vote!

Members of NSW Young Labor have also played a leading role in assisting Yes23 and the Party Office in organising and coordinating both the Walk for Yes in September, and the Final Push for Yes on 6 October.

NSW Young Labor took the fight to the NSW Young Liberals at the annual NSW Young Labor vs Young Liberals debate, held in the Parliament of New South Wales!

At one of the best events in the calendar for NSW Young Labor, our members thoroughly outnumbered the Young Liberals, with our speakers making the case that NSW and Australia are being excellently served by their Labor Governments.

And finally, in December, NSW Young Labor will be holding its conference since the COVID-19 pandemic, which will be a wonderful opportunity for our members to set our agenda for the coming year.

Max Kennedy

NSW Young Labor President


Young Labor’s Multiculturalism in Politics Panel


Young Labor President’s Report August 2023